Developing plans

09:32 - 25/05/2015

Plan forpersonnel development

 1. General Plan

The focusis on building a highly qualified teaching staff, dedicated to their career, and  as a training management staffwith high professionalskills in order to meet the objective of the basic and comprehensive innovation.

2. Detailed Plans


From 2010 to 2015, the university focuseson developinglecturers,scientists andhighly qualified managers totaling450, building and diversifyingmodesto develop both scientific and management staffin compliance with respective quality standards,to be better inmoral quality, capacity, knowledge and skills in order to satisfyrequirements of implementing the university’s mission, vision and strategic target to quickly achieve international standards.

Completing attaining standards of foreign language for teachers to perform key tasks of the university.


From 2016 to 2020, actively training and fosteringthe personnel, attracting scientists withdegree of doctorates or higher to work for TNUT, and increasing the number of lecturers up to 550.

Focusing onlevel improvement of the lecturers, especially those with high quality approachingteaching entirely in English forall students of the university.

Constructing a professional manner and style of working, satisfying models of advanced education and training, and internationalintegration of the university.


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