Curriculum of Machining Technology

09:49 - 28/07/2015

1. Knowledge background

 Graduates are provided the body of knowledge as below:

a. The knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences, scientific knowledge and technical skills combined with the application of techniques to analyze and solve technical problems in manufacturing engineering. The ability to apply necessary skills of science and technology to update and respond to the evolution of science and technology related to the mechanical manufacturing technology.

b. The knowledge and experiences are gained in mechanical engineering; the necessary technical knowledge as applied mechanics, computer aided design, the process of mechanical, materials, cutting tools, production management and automation of manufacturing processes.

c . The knowledge of technical communication, presentation, reports, simulation, group activities, multidisciplinary team.

d. The knowledge of personal responsibility in the use of professional knowledge and responsibility of ethics included: quality commitment, efficiency and timeliness working; respecting the diversity and awareness of international issues; Continue to develop the skills and professional awareness about modern techniques throughout his career.

2. Skills 

a.  Able to select and apply knowledge, techniques and modern tools in activities related to equipment, technology and mechanical engineering related field.

b. Able to select and apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering and technology to solve the problems of mechanical engineering technology in the form of application and implementation of the principles, functions methodology.

c. Able to establish and implement work measurement, inspection and evaluation standards; installing, deployment, analysis, processing and application of empirical research in order to improve the quality of the machining process, the organization of the production and mechanical products.

d. Able to design systems, parts, mechanical parts and processes to fabricate them;

e. Able to be the role of members and leaders of the technical working group effectively;

f. Able to identify, analyze and solve technological problems; Apply knowledge of environmental communication in both technical and non-technical; identification, selection and exploitation of technical references.

3. Attitude:

a. Understand and obey by the policy guidelines, policies and laws of the Party and the State; fulfill the obligations, rights of citizens and workers;

b. Firmly understanding and being responsible for self-study in a professional environment;

c. Understanding and commitment to be responsible for the technical issues and ethics;

d. Honest, energetic, confident, responsible and conscious in community service, harmonious and demanding; enterprising to discover something new and able to face with difficulties or risks;

e. Understanding of the impact of engineering solutions; ability of awareness about the impact of mechanical methods to environmental, social and global issues;

f. Liable for the issue of quality in order to  meet schedule and responsibility for career development.

4. Position and available work after graduation:

After graduation, engineers for  machinery manufacturing technology are capable to undertake the following tasks:

- Managing production, processing, engineering, quality management, consulting, sales, customer care services in the enterprise, the enterprise, the mechanical plant, the manufacturing and sales of digital products;

- Consulting, design and installation of equipment, project management;

- Working in the management bodies related to engineering;

- Teaching modules in the fields of mechanical engineering technology at universities, colleges, technical schools, vocational training;

- Implementation of scientific research in the form of application, implementation, experimental mechanics, equipment and machinery in the research institutes, centers and research institutions of ministries, universities

- Continue to study and research in postgraduate courses and PhD;

- Establishment, management and development the private enterprises.

5. Possibility to study further after graduation :

After graduation, students have knowledge in foreign language and computing basic skills as follows :

Foreign language skills: Ability to search and read to understand the material and information in English; graduates strive to obtain TOEFL - ITP 410 ( required for graduates in 2016 ) and TOEFL - ITP 420 in 2018 .

Computing skills: Proficiency in using common software, solving technical problems by software, etc.

Manufacturing Engineers are able to continue learning on a higher level as Master, PhD, Assoc, etc. in order to improve themselves and dedicate to society.